Our journey to create SimpleUX

SimpleUX has been long underway. And it all started with a problem we faced ourselves. We knew that if we could solve this challenge, we could help others facing similar difficulties.

Words by Trine Falbe

Monday, November 20, 2023

A Solution to Our User-Testing Woes

The idea came about when we were looking for a user-testing tool for a project. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we couldn't find a product that truly met our needs. Everything on the market seemed overly complicated and expensive.

Frustrated by the lack of suitable options, we decided to come together and create our solution.

And so, SimpleUX was born.

Our philosophy

We built SimpleUX as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) app to keep it affordable and accessible for everyone. Companies and organizations often don't invest enough in user testing, so keeping the cost of our platform low would encourage more investment in that area.

Our philosophy behind SimpleUX is that a straightforward tool is more effective than one with a thousand features.

Therefore, we focused on the essentials: screen recordings of user sessions in the browser with added gestures, audio, and video recording capabilities.

This approach gives users most of what they need for effective testing.

We decided to support only moderated tests, where there's a real person responsible for overseeing the test and facilitating conversation during the session. This ensures a more authentic user experience and richer feedback.

Streamline UX Testing with SimpleUX

With SimpleUX, we aim to make it easy for everyone to improve their software's user experience. UX professionals can use our tool to record user sessions and share those recordings with their business teams. This helps provide clear evidence of issues with specific platform features, making it easier for teams to decide on improvements.

In creating SimpleUX, we set out to eliminate the hurdles of user testing and make it simple for everyone to create better, more user-friendly software.

Together, we can all work towards making things that work for everyone.

Tests for tomorrow. Available today.

The world’s first UX app based on ethical design, allowing you to capture what you need for a successful test, nothing more, nothing less. Try it for free.

Tests for tomorrow. Available today.

The world’s first UX app based on ethical design, allowing you to capture what you need for a successful test, nothing more, nothing less. Try it for free.

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We're ready and excited to help

We're ready and excited to help